Gifts of Stocks & Securities
The Benefits of Stock Gifts!
Did you know that the out-of-pocket cost of gifts associated with appreciated stocks and securities is actually lower than with cash gifts?
Why? Giving stocks and securities that have appreciated in value as a gift to a non-profit allows you to avoid the capital gains tax that would otherwise be due on the stock.
You may also secure a charitable contribution deduction for the full market value of the shares, even if you paid much less for the stock when you purchased it.
Example: If the securities originally cost $2,000 and now have a fair market value of $10,000, you do not have to pay tax on the $8,000 gain when this asset is gifted to the Fellowship Community.

Tax-Related Benefits of Stock Gifts:
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of securities
Eligible for a charitable income tax deduction for the full fair market value securities
Non-Tax Related Benefits of Stock Gifts:
"Locking-in" the benefit of appreciation on a security, as a gift to the Fellowship Community
Preserving available cash for other needs
Contact giving@fellowshipcommunity.org to learn more or to set up a stock gift to the Fellowship Community.
The Rudolf Steiner Fellowship Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, Tax ID number is 13-6146945. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Note: We encourage you to consult your tax advisors when considering the tax benefits of stock gifts.