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Foundation Year Interns

Interns are a vital group of our community, assisting in not just farm work but also in care. While interns may join us for a shorter period of time than a co-worker, they become just as part of the community as our members, volunteers, and co-workers.


Those who participate in our year-long internships are given an opportunity to partake in and subsequently learn more about biodynamic farming. They assist in the daily maintenance of our farm, Duryea Farm, working to grow delicious, healthful produce to support our community. Additionally, time is also spent working with our members in care. Farm interns are taught a how to work with all life, be it plant, human, or animal.

Are you interested in our internship program?
Scroll down for more information!

Introduction to Community: A Foundation Year

Become part of our community, dedicated to elder care, biodynamic farming and the social ideals of Rudolf Steiner.

What does the program offer?

  • Course work in social life, human life, biodynamics, the arts, all as inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner

  • A farm and garden – working under the principles of biodynamics, with 35 acres of farmland, a 10-cow dairy, and chickens

  • Community located 30 miles from NYC in an extended community rich with endeavors based on anthroposophy

  • Caring for people of all ages in an intergenerational community setting

  • A one-year work/study program

  • Variety of work, with emphasis on individual areas of interest

  • Practical and creative workshops

  • A place to live in community housing

  • All organic meals provided, plus foods from our gardens

  • Basic financial support available


Agriculture Internship

If you are a young person who wants to enjoy and learn community living with an emphasis on the biodynamic approach to sustainable agriculture, we offer a full-time, 12-month program of work and study.


You will develop skills and insights that support the farm while working in the fields and gardens, in the dairy, caring for our bees and chickens, and in the maintenance of buildings and machinery. You will learn to use tractors and a variety of equipment needed for vegetables, hay and harvest. You’ll be plowing, disking, bed-making, planting and weeding.


Working in the dairy you’ll learn milk production, pasteurization, bottling of raw milk, and cheese and yogurt making. And preparing for the winter, you’ll be processing and freezing, jamming, jarring and drying herbs. You will also share in the other tasks of community life, including the serving of elders at meals, preparation of meals, serving a table, cleaning up after a meal, and care of our spaces. These are farm to table skills that will serve you in any farm setting.


Care Community Internship

Perhaps you are a young person who wants to enjoy and learn community living with an emphasis on the care of the elderly. In this inter-generational setting, we offer a full-time, twelve-month program of work and study.


You’ll receive a practical introduction to care of the older person in health and illness. This program includes learning personal care, alternative medical treatments, hygienic practices, food preparation, care of spaces, assistance at meals and in cleaning up, and working cooperatively with others to create a compassionate and lively environment for our whole community. You’ll balance out your days with work outdoors and in various workshop areas.


Our care home, Hilltop House, is home to thirty-three elders and is the center of community social life. Another forty elders live independently on our campus, along with coworkers and their children. In this setting you will learn how to include elders, volunteers and children in the daily tasks. And you may discover the wonder and meaning in the whole course of human life.

Who Can Join These Programs?

Interns will work and interact with a variety of people each day, including older folks, those in the middle years, children, teenagers and other young adults. You must be 18 years or older. You must be physically fit (able to life 40 pounds) and willing to work hard. An open mind and positive attitude go a long way!

How Long Are These Programs?

Internships last 12 months and often start in August. Study and learning continue throughout one year and are dedicated to refining your practical skills. You will have a work schedule five and a half days a week. Because we care for people, plants and animals, work continues 24 hours a day. Some of your scheduled time will be in the early morning or in the evening. At the end of your internship, you may consider staying on as a coworker.

Are you interested in applying?

An application form and personal interview are required.
Please call (845) 356-8494, ext. 2 for more information.

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